31 de jul. de 2022

Ciro in a ghost episode

          In his early twenties, Ciro lived experiences that made up a deep baggage. Imagine that there is a system of challenges structured in phases in life, where the measure of your achievements places you on a scale of graduation of internal consciousness, and the more you reach these consciential levels, an incredible potential is externalized from the solid recognition of the matrix. existential, to the profile of a strong and skillful subject in the face of reality. Being human is like being a mineral stone, destined to be refined until it becomes a jewelery emerald. It is not possible to escape it and live in another world of fluctuation and ease. Although going through phases is difficult and not pleasant, Ciro Korangar tells about a difficult phase in life:

          - I lived a normal life like everyone else, the problem is that the background of my story would not remain imperceptible, it expressed itself and needed to be deciphered. I will recapitulate that the stories in the books are not usually told in perfect linearity, perhaps the steinheggers of the trees that make up the tale are not noticed, perhaps the description about the density of the characters' planes is discarded for now. Telling the depth of this story will require boarding a car from time set 5 years ago, and taking a trip to the past:
Going back in time...

                     I'm grieving the last person I have left, my mother battled cancer for two years and passed away. For the first few days I couldn't speak or see, I remained in a state of silence for weeks until habits slowly resumed. The silence in this house is very intense, the environment has the same air of endless concentration, and I often lose track of time and many days go by about the books. The routine is persistent and normal, coming from years of reading, I spend about 10 hours reading and when it's late at night, I get up from my chair and go for a walk. I go to the fire escapes and sit on the steps as I let my mind drift and say whatever it wants to say.
          One more night I sat still on the steps of that staircase with nothing but a dim emergency light. That's when something out of the darkness spoke clear words. I looked for the origin of the voice and didn't find it, I focused on a dark corner and noticed the shape of a person, although it was invisible it was a perceptible being. The figure had no material solidity, it was misty in the half-light, a kind of shadowy hologram. It was possible to feel that he was there, feel the shape, feel that he was emitting some consciousness, still possessing the slight density of a Ghost! I spoke directly to the shadow to see if he would respond. Then I ran my hand over the entity's area and the impression was that that being had already passed through there, bringing the idea that there was a time difference between us. Then I realized that the moment he spoke was not the moment I heard, the moment he passed was not the moment I noticed. He was not being discovered, the truth was that the manifestation of this being was intentional. When he spoke, at times, he didn't seem trustworthy and his intentions took a leap into the perverse character. I decided to ignore him and leave the matter in oblivion, I went home and turned on the TV, sat on the couch, watched the JG newspaper and went to sleep.

           Another day I follow the same routine until nightfall. Around 22:00 I go to the stairs, sit on the steps and let the ideas that overflow.
          - Are you going there tomorrow? - Something from the shadows unquestionably manifests. A whole and intelligent sentence, yet conscious about personal affairs. At the corner of the stairs, the leap of a figure that had passed by was visible. I stayed there until then I hear a sound from the ceiling - a chair scraping across a room. - But on the roof of the staircase of a building, there are stairs, there is no such room. Uh, so I started to question if we were from the same world. Was this entity kidding me? How could I know his reach level being invisible and belonging to a different time than mine. I assumed that the stairs could be a place that is a point of relationship between my material level, and that of this entity, I thought it was a spiritual space.

          Helpless at that moment, I returned home at a pace of 9 meters/sec! I rethought everything that happened watching the minutes of a clock tick. I quickly recapped a few factors: can you remember the Ghost Busters? There's the movie and the television show, where the Ghostbusters go to haunted locations. It is a real profession and the teams go to the places very well prepared with equipment, they use electromagnetic meters to verify if there are electrical oscillations in the space where there is a demonstration. They also take an audio amplifier where they capture the ambient sound and when they replay they increase the volume in the headphones, often managing to capture speeches that were imperceptible. They use video cameras and cameras in order to record any ghostly encounters. In addition, the teams have Walkie-Talkies, thermometers, and various equipment. Their job is to locate the entity, understand the reason for the demonstrations, and finally get the place to stop being haunted. These hunts are real and endure with thousands of encounters ranging from ghost animals to ghostly Orbs that consciously wander through haunted locations.
One of the most emblematic cases was that of the Brown Lady, which would be the spirit of Dorothy Walpole who remained living in the Raynham family home located in England. After an 18th century couple's conflict, the husband locked his wife in one of Raynham's rooms, where she died of smallpox. Later, around 1936, two magazine photographers went to the mansion to prepare a real estate article. When they entered the reception, they saw on the stairs the figure of a woman materializing and descending the steps. When one of them quickly prepared the camera and took the famous photo of the Lady in Brown:

          Joshua P. Warrer in his book How to Hunt for Ghosts cites the Brown Lady of Raynham among other cases of documented photographic records. The theme can be contested and the word ''Ghost'' can be misunderstood. There are other works that studied the subject, even if within the limits of their time. Works are linked that are respected by the beginning of the study and that are despised by the immateriality of scientific evidence. It is also considered that studies begin superficially, as was Chemistry for Lavoisier. Although personal experience is the most intense test for anyone. I will share a personal experience and then properly classify the word Phantom.
          I was between chores around the house, and in the planned kitchen there is a shelf with three heights, where on the second floor there was a liter of Qboa, bleach. And when I walk into the kitchen that pint of Qboa hurls itself in front of my chest, not like the simple drop of an object, but as if someone had thrown the Qboa by hand in a remarkable kinetic affront. For the Personal view, the message was very clear at that moment, so I took the agenda and related what happened describing it even if it seemed unreal.

          In Joshua's book there is a classification of ghosts that avoids confusion between the accounts. Therefore, Focus! This is how hauntings are evaluated on a case-by-case basis:


          ''Entities are usually some sort of vestige of a living creature. But what about when there are ghosts of inanimate objects? A classic example is the Flying Dutchman, an ominous ghost ship. For nearly two centuries he has brought disgrace to those who see him.
          According to legend, the cruel captain of the ship was a rigid and fearless man. As he and his crew sailed the fantastic vessel down the Cape of Good Hope, below the southern tip of Africa, a dark and terrifying storm arose. The frightened crew begged the captain to sail to a safe harbor. He, totally drunk, raged. Then he cackled in a demonic way as he shouted to God, ``You have no power to sink my ship!`` It is not surprising that the vessel sank.
          To this day, the Flying Dutchman is seen navigating the restless waters. As the storm intensifies, he emerges, as from a mist, and then floats across the dark sea a spectral luminescence glowing all around him. Afterwards, the ship disappears in an imprecise distance. It is believed that anyone who observes this vision should dock immediately.
          This boat is obviously what might be considered a thing without conscience. In fact, as far as we are concerned, he never had consciousness or life to begin with. You can see how such an apparition conflicts with our ideas about entities. [b]It is true that all objects, even ships, have a body of electromagnetic energy.[/b] But if we are talking about nothing more than an "energy ship" that can float around in the just like a physical ship, why does it float away or go ashore? Why is he always seen in the same general area under the same general conditions, sailing in the same general way?
          Sometimes ghosts don't seem conscious. They completely ignore the onlookers, and always look and act the same way almost like a recording played over again. In practice, the phenomenon is not very different from a large-scale short film. They lack the sense of spontaneity and interaction found in an entity.
          For example, if a cruel murder takes place in the bedroom of a house, for years witnesses can see the specific murder re-enacted in bed. Each incident will be identical, and the killer and victim will not behave as if they are being watched. It is as if the event generated an impression in the environment that was somehow registered.
          I've been to several places haunted by Indian spirits. I myself heard the low beats of the drum moving through the night. In fact, my team was even able to record this phenomenon. For countless years, like drumbeats resounded in the hills and valleys. Now, is their spiritual rhythm literally imprinted on the area? On some occasions - on some occasions - he again?
          When it appears that a significant or persistent event has been imprinted on the environment, this is quite appropriately called an Impression. Since this phenomenon is also referred to as a 'place memory haunt' ' or 'residual haunting of the place''. Incidentally, some parapsychologists just use the term haunting or haunted to describe the phenomenon. You may notice that in this book the words "haunted" or "haunting" are used in their most general sense, applied to both psychic impressions and the activity of conscious entities. To us, a haunted place is a place where ghost activity of any kind persists for more than a year.
          Impressions are almost always seen, and sometimes heard. In rare cases, an impression can also be felt. This is equivalent to saying that if you see an impression of a vehicle speeding towards you, it will normally pass you by. On the other hand, there's a chance he won't get through to you. In some cases, an impression is more than just an auditory and visual experience. In this case, you could get hurt. A real physical presence can be reproduced when the print is set in motion. While it is convenient to think of a print as a naturally recorded short film, you must remember that such film is capable of capturing some or all aspects of a realistic, integral, three-dimensional experience. However, they only play for a few seconds, up to a minute, and are only seen when some unknown conditions are met. Even the ''birthday prints'' seen at a certain time each year are not always reliable. Some observers see them and some do not. These recorded acts can be reproduced only when certain environmental factors are present. They can therefore be influenced by the presence of electrostatic ions, the earth's magnetic changes, weather patterns, or any number of currently unknown variables. This means that virtually anyone can observe them if the conditions are met. On the other hand, the ability to observe psychic impressions may instead reside in the eye of the beholder. If this information is retained in a form that only a few people can see or feel, an observer who unconsciously has this ability might be surprised to observe an incident that others do not or cannot see.
          But why would an event imprint itself on the environment? It is like? Albert Einstein once said: ''The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent.''


          ''Many traditional ghost investigators only study entities and impressions, which are the basis of 90% of haunted locations. However, we will now delve into the extremes of paranormal research. Let's start with the most complex of them all.
          If a location is haunted by an entity, certain identifying marks are displayed. The activity will be spontaneous, erratic and interactive. If it is an impression, it will be unconscious, predictable, and will not pay attention to its surroundings. Sometimes you can find a place with both. But what about when you find a place that includes other things besides these two types of activities?
          My team and I investigated a property where a staggering number of paranormal occurrences had been reported. There were conscious entities that physically bound the owners of the house, leaving clear cuts and bruises. Parts of the house and the property's vehicles burst into flames without explanation. Visitors often fell ill or suffered from surprise attacks of pain and sickness. A barrage of prints pulsed through the grounds, and the owners captured thousands of anomalous images on video or photos. There was even one occasion when someone in the house turned to find themselves facing what felt like another dimension: a horrible, surreal place with swirling clouds and disturbing activity. Then she disappeared. Small objects, such as cutlery and pens, were transported to other locations. Generally speaking, any type of ghostly manifestation was possible, sometimes occurring through extreme and negative synchronicities.
          So far, the activity we've been addressing is primarily caused by extraordinary events that could have affected any location. However, sometimes it seems that the location itself has something to do with the ghostly activity. The earth is not a perfect sphere. In fact, it has a pear-like shape. Because of this, it vibrates on its orbit path. Basically, it is far from a perfectly balanced body in space. The earth's magnetic field corresponds to the physical shape of the planet. The field, like her, is not balanced. It seems logical that some places on the planet are subject to unusual geomagnetic activity, more or less than the rest of the earth. This doesn't even take into account the magnetic fields caused by physical stress on fault lines. Different parts of the surface are also affected in a unique way based on their position in relation to the sun. This casts massive blasts of radiation onto the earth, and some places are more or less affected by it as well.
          There are places on earth where the laws of physics seem to be distorted, and reality sometimes behaves in unfamiliar ways, creating spooky effects. This type of location is what we call distortion. They are rare, but when one is found, it usually becomes popular very quickly. People are excited at the idea of going to a place where almost anything can happen. One of the most popular distortions is the Bermuda Triangle.
          Thinking about the Bermuda Triangle often conjures up images of ships sinking and planes crashing. Indeed, since 1900, more than a thousand people have disappeared over the waters between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. Even more convincing than the number of disappearances is the way in which they manifest themselves. For example, consider the five navy planes that disappeared at the same time on December 5, 1945. A distress call was sent by the leader: ``We can't see land... Everything is wrong... Strange. We cannot be sure of our position. We seem to be lost. even the sea does not show itself as it should``. Contact was then lost and a rescue plane was dispatched shortly thereafter. He also promptly disappeared. No trace of the six planes has been found to date.
          Pilots often report interference with instruments in the area, such as compass needles turning. Also, mysterious rays and balls of light are seen flying quickly through certain regions. The first person to record such illuminations was Christopher Columbus in 1492. He wrote about them in his logbook. There is no shortage of ghost tales in the area, including apparitions, impressions and ``time slips``.
          In the 1980s, Rick Stratton - a television crew technician in his 20s - and a friend rented a cabin deep in the New England countryside. The detached house was built by Moravian settlers in the 19th century. He found it good to live there for several weeks and did not experience anything out of the ordinary. One night, he went into the kitchen to get a drink. When he walked through the door, he was immediately taken aback. The kitchen looked completely different. The entire room looked ``old fashioned``. Strangest of all: a man was sitting at the table eating, and a woman was standing in front of the sink. They were dressed in old clothes. The elderly man and woman looked at Rick and their eyes widened in surprise, as if they were seeing a ghost. Rick stared at them for a few seconds, each person speechless. Then they disappeared, and the kitchen returned to normal.
          This kind of experience is not a simple case of an entity. The entire room was different. It is also an impression, as the man and woman were aware of the observer and reacted to his presence. So where does this take us? It's the kind of phenomenon we might call a ``time slip``. [b] It appeared that two moments in time, one in the 19th century and the other in the late 20th century, slipped and combined for a short period.[/b] Such a phenomenon can occur at the site of a distortion. You can see why it is still classified as ghostly - it demonstrates activity that allows us to observe some remnant of the past, or at least think we can.
          The distortions exemplify the most complicated issues facing science today. These are the places where reality is not only affected by an anomaly, but where reality itself behaves in an anomalous way. They can distort all your ideas about how reality works. What is above can become below, and inside can become outside. Time stops, reverses, runs forward, or has no sense of direction. You may hallucinate, or find that your surroundings have changed over an immeasurable period. There can be an unbelievable amount of electromagnetic energy, or surprisingly no energy at all. Basically, distortions are amorphous hot spots of ghostly phenomena and paranormal activity in general.
          It is difficult to define distortions, as the scope of their manifestations can be quite strange and unpredictable. They are a kind of paranormal hodgepodge. For this reason, it is easy for some to look at them with disdain. They are difficult to define. Distortions are not active all the time, and the conditions necessary to trigger their activity are a mystery.
          Distortions are often full of entities - sometimes hundreds or thousands. Perhaps by distorting space/time they are able to create natural portals. These portals are ``doors`` through which an entity may be able to materialize, or gain some sort of physical access, more easily. In general, these entities are also able to generate more force due to the ``thin veil``.
          It's rare to find a strong distortion. However, if you find it, it can provide a lifetime of research material. Holy sites are often believed to be distortions, especially those chosen by the ancient Celts and Egyptians. Some even believe that the pyramids were made to create distortions. The idea is that such structures, by the nature of their design, manipulate energies.
          Whatever the case, our planet is, in many ways, superior to our technology. Capacitors (devices for storing, reinforcing, and manipulating electrical charges) weren't ``invented`` until 1745, when German scientist Ewald Georg von Kleist developed the first Leyden jar. However, for billions of years, the earth has been a natural capacitor. The floor is one electrode, the upper atmosphere another, and the space between them an insulator. Life on Earth was powered by solar energy long before Einstein explained the photoelectric effect. Over and over again we find ourselves imitating nature, but patting ourselves on the back as if the concept originated with humans. On the other hand, there are still a lot of incredible phenomena produced by nature which man has never learned to duplicate for practical purposes.
          You may have read about black holes. These are areas of mass so dense that even light cannot escape. For years, black holes were considered figments of the imagination. Now, scientists have confirmed that they do exist. The famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. This is an energy emanation that can indicate the presence of a black hole. It is based on the idea that some particles can escape a black hole - those thrown back into space as the black hole slowly dissolves over time. Inside a black hole is a point called the ``singularity``. It is the point at which the laws of science fail and cannot be applied.
          Is it possible that sometimes some kind of limited singularity-like phenomenon can exist in some places on earth? Typically, ghost activity deals with an aspect of the past that still plays a paranormal role in the future. A distortion is a place that can essentially blur the distinctions of past, present and future. When you find one of hers, be prepared for anything.

Distortions are:
1. Areas where conventional laws of physics can fail.
2. Places where linear time does not always apply.
3. Places infested with entities, imprints and a host of other paranormal activities.
4. Unpredictable areas that can distort perceptions beyond the understanding of logic.''

          Space and time are related in the way that a space step has a calculable temporal meaning, so space is time. According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, matter curves space-time. In that sense, when a planet is forming, the space around it curves, and these space arcs shape the matter into a ball, forming a planet. The space gasp gives circular motions to the sphere that is the planet, making this space habitat have its own cyclical time.
          The Herald is the ghost that in his plane steps on reality and also transits through time, wandering between the past and the future without temporal restrictions.
          The truth is that a very large number of works report distant futures, a feat that is very similar to the Herald's potential. What is visible in Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, with quotes from what the video game will be, between the 16th and 17th centuries. There are other works very close to the figure of the video game, such as the work of Joachim Patinir in the 16th century, the stroke of the Crossing the River Styx painting is very close to game design.

          In short, they are spirits that manifest themselves with some materiality. The reports are of chairs that move, and light contacts with the real world.

          Ciro Korangar conceives that the fact that he had a connection with the entity was not a good omen. Come on, this communication intermediated different spaces. In other words, how does the human mind respond to a sound wave over space from something immaterial? Would an object in this sense be possible? A tennis box or a soccer ball? See that it's even less scary than a horror show, after all, on the stairs there was a harmless living being. The question revolves around the fact that he can conceive of this plan, what does that make him? Eventually Ciro read the religious books and read the scientific books, and went through lessons that showed him phase by phase that it was something, at first, difficult for the mind to palpate, and virtually, also normal:

          - I went back to those stairs at the end of the night, spent time reflecting, and the individual manifestations of the entity that passed through there were initially very light. But with the habit and the passage of time he started to talk more, which didn't turn into a communication, he used to self-say things disconnected from the reality of my space-time, tended to be very intense offenses and often without foot. nor head. Hearing his insulting subjects skipping over other people meant being poisoned by the ear and having my reflective time hampered by too many interruptions. I soon realized that the entity's clear intentions were perverse and therefore should be ignored. What took at least a few months in which I got sick due to the attention given to the entity, phases are not exactly how we would like them to be, and if the entity must be ignored, on the other hand, reaching this conclusion took some time to experience. There is a painting by Agnolo from the 16th century, Venus and Cupid, which expresses the time:

          I decided to ignore this entity completely, not hearing a word. I can say that I continued the same normal routine, taking a skateboard ride on the public rink, sinking into books, and living the blessing that is to live.
I always play video games, I usually follow the games that are coming out, and zero the favorites many times. I recently found a game coming from Bloober Team, a Polish developer, and quickly discovered that all the works were excellent. The last game especially captivated me a lot, and that's why it's among my favorites. The work is called Medium and has a very complicated story that can be summarized as follows:

          Marianne Severo grew up in a house that is the second floor of a funeral home, the property belonged to her adoptive father Jack. A man with a respectful background of books, she is notable for the rooms in the house that are filled with shelves, including cluttered books, most notably the only interaction book, 1984 George Orwell, which she describes as interesting. Jack lovingly raised his daughter from her teenage years until he passed away. And the story begins with her taking responsibility for the wake, as she walks through the old house commenting on what it's like growing up on top of a funeral home, which helped her understand her powers.
          She goes to the funeral home and fixes her father's body, and when she says goodbye, the environment manifests, the lights start flashing, and she walks through the funeral home until she enters the office which is all messed up, and there is Jack. He is stuck in his worries about work and looks for a notebook. A moment when she recognized her spiritual state and, touched by the encounter, gives him one last hug. She asks Jack to let go of that world and says goodbye to his father.
          She later gets a call from a guy named Thomas who, claiming to know her and making impossible claims, asks her to go to an abandoned hotel. Niwa Works Resort, the place is known for an urban legend ''The massacre of Niwa'' where, illogically, a riot took place in a general madness, resulting in a slaughter.
          Briefly, Marianne Severo goes to Niwa looking for Thomas, who would be the former manager. She walks around the place finding many paintings, and drawings, referring to a dancer named Viviane. And she eventually encounters many supernatural manifestations including a peculiar spirit. As she walks through Niwa she goes through impressions that narrate that something terrible has happened to a little girl named Liliane. The understanding of the picture is perfectly portrayed with Marianne seated in a wheelchair before a demonic and melodic tree called ''Richard'', followed by a projected unfolding of scenes that tell a story. He cites Richard's crime, and reveals that Thomas is Liliane's father and Marianne's father. She gets up from her wheelchair, remembering this past and resuming history.
Through the hotel grounds, she goes between impressions until she finally finds the spirit of Henry, a Soviet soldier. Henry appears in the story charging Thomas for deeds that happened in the war. And this Soviet soldier appears in the story of Niwa trying to kill Thomas and his daughters, being the second tragedy in the story. Though he failed and died, Henry set the family home on fire which had numerous after effects. And Henry's spirit in this scene makes references to a third tragedy responsible for the end of Niwa Works Resort. After this confrontation, she makes her way around the hotel, passing through the ruins of the house, until finally finding an underground house where she is surprised. The spiritual projection of Thomas' spirit arises into his personal consciousness. It is a haunting and complex, difficult story that she retells. Finally, she discovers that Liliane is alive and goes to meet her following the end of the incredible video game work.

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