is currently studying at one of the best schools in the state. There,
the focus is the scientific study in order to pre-university and
Enem, enrolling its students in the best universities in the country.
And he always dreamed of being a metallurgist.
About books he fell in love with Chemistry, the study of
the atom and the composition of matter. The same routine is
maintained, waking up at 6 am in a small room, where the window is
half-open with a curtain closed. He wakes up and the first step
outside, stepping onto the skateboard beside the bed with the
precision of a feline balanced between soft and firm. He proceeds to
the projected dream in order to rethink the dream he had during the
night. He forgets his worries and wanders between his thoughts and
the water, forming a single Sound! ...
I was in the middle of a chapter in a book and I fell asleep. I
dreamed that I was out of my own body, I looked down and noticed that
I was dressed in skate clothes, sweatshirt and cap. Which is weird
because I sleep without clothes on. Even though it was from a dream,
I realized I was in my real-world bedroom. I realized that it was a
kind of orientation towards which, I took advantage of it and pulled
it by car, and then my arm crossed it and I asked ``Huh? Is this
matter?’’ In
this world no atom passes through another atom.
It is a Law of Physics. If a skateboard goes towards a ramp it will
ramp, under no circumstances would it cross it. The truth is that for
every inch of spacetime you are under the matrix of physics. While it
might even get through the doors, not that I could recognize objects
either, the sensational difference between the metal handle and the
wooden door. It was then that we realized that dreams live within the
thought that can form a plan. Even though dreams are thought to be
the same as dreams, which are messy, often illogical, short-lived and
lack clarity. Remember that in this one I questioned the
possibilities: after all, could I teleport? Can you catch the speed
of a jet? Could I ever palpate the real world? Could I find some
intelligent being? I decided to explore, and I dove underground at
180 km/h towards the center of the Earth. fulfill a childhood dream
and be able to reach the stuffed and metallic planetary milieu of the
sphere. In that plan you can take a dip and have fun without worrying
about anything, about anything.
repeat that, unlike this dream, the truth is that matter has a
composition which includes me. In other words I made the same thing
as the walls and the same circumstances, the same electronic things
are similar to the same physical influences. There are 118 Tables in
the table is an atom, or a set of atoms form a matter, a set of atoms
and a set of atoms that are inside a planet and a reservoir of water
filled by an atom. The rest of the dark matter universe which is
briefly made up of space. It's empty, and there's nothing but burning
gas, no right, no left, no up, no down, nothing on any horizon. If on
the one hand there is nothing on the cosmic horizon, on the other
hand, our planet is a perfect work of atomic matter. The book A
Genesis by the author Allan Kardec puts very well, in the 19th
century, a study of the formation of the planet, concluding that the
relationship of information on the composition of the planet Earth is
a work of intelligence. The fact is that when you learn what is on
planet Earth and what is out there in the universe, you will realize
that we are in a place that is as rich as it is architected:
turns the valve and turns off the water in the shower, grabs the
towel and goes to get dressed. Then he goes into the living room and
tunes in the television to Jornal News. He goes to the kitchen and
starts preparing the noodles every morning. First the pan, second the
water, third the stove, fourth the pasta, and stir until ready. He
pours the water, seasons it and places the noodles on the plate. He
goes to the room where the news is broadcast:
War in Ukraine. 2022.
being able to pay much attention, Ciro Korangar eats his noodles,
thinking deeply about the structure of the atom. He recently read the
best book of his life, Panorama Seen from the Center of the Universe
by Joel R. Primack and Nancy Ellem Abrams. And so he came to study
the picture of the atom at the quantum level:
plate he goes to the kitchen and throws it on the dishes, takes a
metallic glass, fills it with grape juice and drinks like a champion.
He runs and picks up his skateboard and backpack, puts his foot in
the door and pads out into the street, favored by the gravity of the
slope. He heads off course with the calm of an old cat, headphones
on, a cool morning breeze passes, cars lazily roll along the streets,
some people play sports, the buses full of people, and he tackles the
tarmac to downtown. of the city. He arrives at the institution where
there is a huge entrance, walks to the classroom with the skateboard
under his arm, finds his place and sits down. He takes a few minutes
and takes a walk on his cell phone:
rewatch the new primitive DEFINE video, where it goes through the
- In the part of Dylan Jaeb the images follow with a lot of
variation of the bases. In addition to a peculiar role, the ``floor
of Fakie`` expresses how much one can develop one's own total level
through a base. Come on, when he comes in and does Fakie combos, you
realize there's fluidity. And as the video goes on, you realize that
it's someone with all four bases. The resourcefulness. Here's what
makes Dylan's repertoire so numerical. So I ask myself ``Why don't I
tie myself to Fakie?``
teacher, Bolt Edwin, enters the room and places his books on the
table. He starts the class with a retrospective:
- Originally Chemistry was a pseudo science called Alchemy.
In ancient Egypt there was an Alchemical beginning, which lasted
until the Middle Ages. At dates close to the second and third
centuries AD, some scholars left writings of alchemy under the
pseudonym Hermes Trismegistus. That was the name of a mythological
Egyptian God and among these writings they found a Table of Elements
whose format looks like the Periodic Table we have today. In honor of
this beginning of science, they gave the name Hermetic to the pots
that seal off oxygen.
focused on 4 elements: Water, Air, Earth and Fire. And he also
believed in the existence of the Philosopher's Stone that would be
able to transmute matter. And so go 18 centuries.
The teacher takes the book by author Luca Novelli called
Lavoisier and The Mystery of the Fifth Element and narrates to the
- ''Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier was born in what is defined as the Age of
Enlightenment, that is, lights of reason that, very slowly, are
illuminating the obscurantism of previous centuries. Alchemy has
nothing to do with magic or witchcraft anymore. Now it's called
Chemistry, but it's still not the science we know. Even the most
serious scientists have very confused ideas about the nature of
matter. Many still believe in transmutation, that is, in the
possibility of transforming one element into another: for example,
from lead to gold. Others have not yet given up the search for the
Philosopher's Stone or the elixir of long life. Others, in turn,
believe in the existence of a vital principle in the air capable of
restoring life to dead creatures.
will be precisely the ``airs`` (or gases) that will reveal to
Lavoisier many of nature's secrets. His discoveries will open the
door to a future the alchemists had not even imagined.
Lavoisier was born on August 26, 1743 in Paris. He is
considered the father of chemistry. It was Lavoisier who gave oxygen
its name and who discovered its role in the breathing of living
beings. It was Lavoisier who removed the veil of mystery that hung in
the laboratories of the last alchemists. It was Lavoisier who solved
the enigma of aloofness, an element called phlogiston.''
Edwin goes on to say:
- The first thing you think of when you hear the word ''Acid''
is something that corrodes, right? Acid is a liquid that has
that a glass of water is made up of thousands and thousands of atoms,
it is not possible to see a single atom, although when the atoms come
together they form a single substance that is visible, water is made
up of 3 atoms and is an amazing liquid mineral:
are chemical compounds. Compounds are substances formed with more
than one element. Two or more atoms that form a material.
take the Periodic Table and notice that each Element in it is an
atom. Understand that from one element to another the difference in
their identities is in the variation of attributes.

In the study of the composition of Acid:
the substance of Bromine with Hydrogen: HBr
the water: H2O
chemical reaction takes place given by the formula:
+ H2O -> H3O + Br
reaction of mixing the atoms is not complete in this formula. But it
is visible that the Hydrogen left the Bromine and went to the water
Molecules are bound together by the electromagnetic areas of
the atoms, so when the atoms detach, electrons pass between them. So
the complete formula is:
+ H2O -> H3O+
+ Br‑
Hydrogen leaves Bromine it leaves its electron and comes out
electrically positive. And Bromine with an extra electron is
electrically negative. The new substance is an electrically charged
that loses an electron or gains an electron is called an ion, which
are classified into two:
– These are atoms that become Negative.
– These are atoms that become Positive.
teacher takes a short break and goes to get a refreshment. Meanwhile,
Ciro begins to reflect:
- The interesting thing is that it is not something
imaginable. It's not that easy and let's say that a glass of liquid
has so much atomic information that it doesn't fit into
consciousness. Consciousness does not conceive of a word,
consciousness does not conceive of a liquid cup. If calculating on a
stopwatch: How long does the mind take to understand a word? (Ion,
Cation, Anion, Electrolytic, Barion, Hadron, Quark). If in the face
of information you naturally have potential in your eyes, what makes
us not understand anything?
know that when you have love for something, you give it the most
energy and that's what results in the human understanding. The fact
is that I don't look at a soda with conscience, honestly I look
without realizing the amount of information.
Skateboarding is very important to me. But I imagine a Scale
of Importance and I put from the first to the hundredth place what
fits the merit of the position. And by God, what position do I place
concern for my ability to understand? In other words, how complex can
a soda be?

Bolt Edwin returns speaking:
- The set of an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom is called
hydroxyl (-OH). Hydroxyl enters chemical formulas at the end, with
the name ``Ol`` as is notable in Alcohol[ol]. Following this
principle, imagine a bottle of Gin, a bottle of Whiskey, and a bottle
of Wine. All these beverages are composed of hydroxyl -OH molecules.
If alcohol is the molecule of hydrogen with oxygen, perhaps it is the
oxygen itself that sets the high state.

study of the Arrhenius Base has the Hydroxyl (-OH) and follows the
same direction:
substance of Lithium and Hydroxyl: LiOH
substance of water: H2O
+ H2O -> ?
+ H2O -> Li+
+ 2OH‑
leaves its electron and goes positive.
absorbs the electron and passes negative.
that water is originally: H2O, H2O, H2O.
this formula it is configured by Hydroxyl: 2OH, 2OH, 2OH.
new substance is electrically charged with 2OH‑
and Li+
this is an Arrhenius Base that is electrolytic.
In the study of Acid and Base, Arrhenius discovered that when the two substances are joined together, they neutralize each other and transform into Water and Salt.
+ (Base OH‑
+ Li+)
-> 2 H2O + LiBr
and salt.
This was the Doctoral Tcc of the chemist Svante Arrhenius who studied the electricity of liquids. He was one of the leading scientists of the 20th century. And you've just read a lifetime's work.
If we were to delve into physiology, the biochemistry of the body, and the study of chemistry in food, we would be disappointed to discover that glucose is not an electrolyte. I know we imagine that when we eat a caramel we will run away and it will all turn into energy. But glucose does not conduct electricity. Biological processes occur in a chemical domino effect within the body. When glucose is ingested, it goes through several stages until it is stored within the cell as ATP.You would need to see the formulas and transformations, but in short, the ATP molecule is what heats up in a chemical combustion, becoming energy.
Realize that the strange thing about all this is that, if it
were not so and there were no steps, when you ingest a caramel and
the glucose burn occurs immediately, you yourself would not have time
to exist. Do you realize that the more complex a chemical reaction,
the more time you buy? It is as if information were justified in the
existential matrix, so information gives time more and more purpose.

the professor quotes the narrative of the book - Mendeleev, Dmitrij
Ivanovic (1834-1907) Russian Chemist. He discovered that, by ordering
the Elements according to the weight of their atoms, a certain
periodicity, that is, a rhythm, was clearly revealed.
the end of class in a desired college where those who study have a
guaranteed future. Ciro Korangar leaves the room thinking about
Alchemy, and thinks about the Philosopher's Stone, why was it so
sought after in the Middle Ages? He walks home with his skateboard
under his arm, while he gives wings to his imagination by setting up
a digression of what would be the dream of the 15th century in the
present day:
- The word ``rich`` is not enough to define me. Let's say
that there are riches that are indefinable and eventually my
influence on matter takes me to a sublime level. After much study and
repeated experiments I managed to obtain a crystal that is capable of
emitting light on matter and configuring it as I wish. I managed to
forge The Philosopher's Stone, and now I can turn earth into gold.
From this I will follow a plan, I will first exchange a few kilograms
of gold for a few hundred thousand reais, I buy a house with a very
large plot of land. This location will have an office and a skating
rink, as well as a fortune lab and from this point forward the sky is
the limit. I could convert land into an airplane! Although my wish
doesn't have all the necessary information of an airplane. Inside the
metal housing there is a multitude of mechanical engineering, and
details in this grandeur need to be perfect. These are factors that
limit the Philosopher's Stone. I can still buy a plane having an
inexhaustible supply of gold after all.
this history the Philosopher's Stone has proved to me that I am an
ant, among ants, in an anthill, and I think like an ant. It's not
even possible to materialize a Skate at once, I have to make it piece
by piece and then assemble it. Everything convinces me that the
elemental matter on this planet Earth is so crafted and organized
that this is what counts. You know metals aren't worth that much to
me, although in airplane form they are. Converting matter starts to
require a lot of intelligence, fulfilling your own desires proves
your own level. After all, nothing is simply pure, intelligence is
something profound. In this sense, the Philosopher's Stone becomes
more useful the more intelligence there is on it, the more
intelligence, the more reach.
home, he throws his skateboard beside the couch, goes to the kitchen
and prepares a meal. He comes back and turns on the newspaper on the
TV, sits down and eats in silence. Without thinking too much, he
changes his clothes, picks up his skateboard and goes out paddling.
He makes a mile towards an abandoned concert hall. Some time ago,
Korangar passed by the place, invaded and walked around until a
security guard appeared. They talked and Ciro managed to convince him
to let him skate there. The security guard had no idea that the young
man was so persistent, after all, he appeared every day, without
fail, and for months. Faced with the young man's sporting intensity,
the security guard was convinced that it was something serious, and
gave the skater definitive permission by lending the keys to the
The skate session was daily, it was a shed the size of a
court with a smooth floor and ceiling, it had a 1.5m high stage and a
stairwell exit. Over time, he placed two crates and built a little
track. The difference was remarkable, in the afternoon he didn't wait
for the sun anymore, he took advantage of that time and went
skateboarding. He arrived after noon, took a list out of his pocket
with all the maneuvers he wanted to leave at the base. He would do a
session and then set aside a few hours to learn a new maneuver.
Finally he makes some lines in a circuit far above the natural
The sessions in the shed were routine and even exhausted he
would go there. Even if it was to lie on the floor and sleep on the
dance floor. The truth is that the will was greater than the energies
themselves. I walked in the afternoon until the sun went down, the
shed got dark, that's when it closed and went for a walk on the
public lane.
fine day I was in a session on the crates of the shed, in a silence
that makes the skater a shark under the water. When for a moment he
sees a girl at the front door, with white hair and a white dress. He
goes to her who was very worried about something. They talked a
little and she asked to accompany her. He followed her without much
Ciro Korangar was never seen again. And the shed remained
there abandoned. People who pass by the place still claim to hear
skateboarding noises, even without anyone.
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